This is a Coed League. Space is limited.
Welcome to Monday Night Coed Soccer at Mississauga Stadium! Please see important League information below:
Important:EARLY BIRD SPECIAL! TEAM PRICE GOES UP $125 - INDIE PRICE $20 - MARCH 1ST Sport: Soccer Day of Week: MONDAY Dates / Duration:17 Mar 2025 - 12 May 2025; 9 Games (including playoffs); 9 games Start Times:8pm - 11pm Kickoff times Format:7-A-Side (6 + goalie), Indoor Field Turf , Co-Ed, 1 hour game slots, Referees and Goals Skill Level:League will be split into Divisions based on skill level Location:Mississauga Stadium; Free Parking Price For Team: $1,550 + TAX; Teams must provide their own MATCHING JERSEYS WITH NUMBERS - Shinguards are also required Price For Individual: $160 + TAX; Remaining Team Spaces:10+ Remaining Individual Spaces:10+